The world of Indian cooking involves a huge variety of ingredients, all with their different tastes, scents and properties. Now, I love using fresh ingredients wherever possible, and not just because food cooked this way tastes better. Healthy eating is so important and I think it's vital we know the benefits of everything we cook and eat (for ourselves and for our families).
Every month I'll be highlighting one key ingredient in Indian food. We'll be creating a rather smart infographic for each that will feature all the foodie facts and figures so you can see what's in it and why it's good for you.
For May - because it's just come into season and I really like using it – we're going to look at super spinach.
Infographic provided by Hari Ghotra
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<img src="" alt="Spinach Infographic showing the health benefits of Spinach" /> <p>Infographic provided by <a href="">Hari Ghotra </a></p>Back to Blog