Indian Soup Recipes
We know that Asian flavours work with soups - just look at the Vietnamese Pho or Japanese Kare Lomen. For some reason though, Indian soup never really features on a typical curry house menu.
This is quite strange considering we were eating Mulligatawny as far back as the Victorian times. Well, let me tell you, I want to get Indian soup back on the menu.
Indian soups are called Shorba and they are packed full of chilli and warming spices that help fight off colds and sniffles. In India, when the weather turns and there's a chill in the air your will find the shorba carts rolling into the chilly streets. A traditional shorba is more of a consomme (a thin, watery soup that is very, very flavoursome) rather than the thick soups we are used to in the west. They tend to be served as drinks in small clay cups which warm your hands, your insides and your soul. They can also be served with rice as a winter warmer. Spicy
Spicy shorba's come from north India and originated in Mughal cuisine. The spices used are all about warming your insides so lots of ginger, garlic, chilli and garam masala's. I love these soups and in my eyes, there is nothing more perfect than Indian flavours for a warming soup. When the weather’s grey, cold and miserable outside what better way to brighten up your life with a splash of tang and a pinch of spice? My mum would make me Athrak Soup whenever I was feeling a bit under the weather and needed a little pick me up.
So just like the soups in India, the ingredients in these soup recipes are also renowned for fighting everyone’s worst winter time enemy - those pesky cold and flu bugs. I have also given you the option to have them as a thicker soup or as a traditional shorba.
Check out my Indian soup recipes below.
Athrak Soup
Ginger soup
- medium
Beetroot and Carrot Shorba
- mild
Cauliflower Shorba
Cauliflower Soup
- mild
Curried Butternut Squash Soup
- hot
Fennel and Tomato Shorba
Fennel and Tomato Soup
- medium
Garlic and Mushroom Shorba
Garlic and Mushroom Soup
- medium
Melon Soup with a hint of Chilli
Spiced Melon Soup
- none
Pea and Ham Soup with Chilli and Cumin
Spiced Ham and Pea Soup
- mild
South Indian Spiced Soup
- hot
Thai Prawn Tom Khaa Soup
Tom Yum Soup with coconut milk
- medium