Indian Recipes with Pork
Indian pork recipes have traditionally not been too popular, due to the large number of Muslims living in the country. Coming from a Sikh family, we have no problem eating pork, so I’ve experimented down the years, using it to replace more commonly used chicken or lamb.
The dish it seems to suit most is that curry house classic, Vindaloo. The history of this dish is rather mistaken. Usually seen as the epitome of British Indian cuisine, the dish actually has Portuguese origins. Click on the recipe below to find out more.
Other Indian pork dishes include the Coorg Pandi, also from the South of India, where most pork is eaten. It’s an earthy delight that works wonderfully in a slow cooker.
I’m a huge fan of spicing up other cuisines, so on this page you’ll also find my take on that classic BBQ food, pork spare ribs.
Coorg Pandi Curry
Coorg Pork Curry
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Hot and Spicy BBQ Ribs
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Indo-Chinese Ribs
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Pork Rendang
Indonesian Dry Pork Curry
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Pork Vindaloo
Hot Pork and Garlic Stew
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Quick Keralan Pandi Curry
South Indian Pork Curry
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Szechuan salt and pepper ribs
Spicy fried ribs
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Tamarind Ribs
Sticky Imlee Ribs
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