Curry guides

How to Cook a Great Xacuti


This is the kind of dish that really represents food history and how different cultures absorb external influences. Xacuti pronounced as Shakuti comes from the Goa. When the Portuguese colonised this area is South India they brought with them many things – Christianity, chillies, wine and their food. Over time many of these were absorbed into the Goan way of life.

A number of Portugese dishes such as a stew dish of red wine, pork and garlic called Carne de vinha d'ahlos was adapted using Indian flavours and became the vindaloo.

A dish called Chacuti again adapted with India spices and flavours became Xacuti.

Its made with South Indian spices and cooked in a southern Indian style with roasting spices and creating a fragrant paste that’s used to marinade the meat.  It has a vibrant colour which comes from the Kashmiri chillies and its hot and fiery yet wonderfully fragrant.

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