Hari App
My App Has Launched
It's here! The Hari Ghotra App is available for download.
I can't wait for you to try out all the great features it has in store.
In the app, you'll be able to find recipes, share & chat with other like-minded foodies, and get lots of exclusive discounts and updates.
I'll even pop in to host live video streams and show you the latest recipes I'm cooking up.
Best of all, the Hari Ghotra App will be free to download.
Recipes & Videos
Explore categories like Takeaway Favourites, Vegetarian, and Hot & Spicy.
Looking for a quick meal? Browse recipes by cooking time.
And, don't miss my Spotlight on Spices videos!
Exclusive Live Stream
Make sure you enable notifications so you don't miss any of my live stream videos.
I'll be going live on the app to show you the latest from my kitchen and my other culinary adventures.